1. BJ, a 64-year-old male, is diagnosed with stage IV clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC). His current Karnofsky performance status is 75% and his complete metabolic panel is within normal limits. His complete blood counts are within normal limits other than an elevated neutrophil count of 9.8 109/L. Which risk category is the most appropriate for BJ?

2. Which of the following is a key finding between the combinations pembrolizumab/axitinib and avelumab/axitinib vs sunitinib that was demonstrated in the Keynote-426 trial and JAVELIN Renal 101 trials, respectively?

3. As the oncology EMR IT pharmacist at your institution, you are asked to build treatment plans for the newly approved pembrolizumab/axitinib and avelumab/axitinib regimens for advanced RCC. Which of the following should be in place to ensure optimal management of patients receiving therapy?

4. MJ was recently initiated on ipilimumab/nivolumab for advanced RCC. She presents to your clinic for follow up and initiation of cycle 2, and it is noted she is experiencing a mild skin reaction that does not bother her (<10% of body surface; grade 1). She denies pruritus or any other symptoms. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?

5. BH is initiating therapy with sunitinib for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. His past medical history is significant for hypothyroidism, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and epilepsy—all of which are well controlled on levothyroxine, lisinopril, atorvastatin, and levetiracetam. Which of the following should be discussed with BH?

6. JG, a 61-year-old male, presents to the clinic for cycle 2 day 15 of avelumab/axitinib therapy for metastatic RCC. As the oncology pharmacist, you receive a call from the infusion nurse stating that JG reports having 2 to 3 episodes of diarrhea per day over the past 3 days (grade 1) and whether his infusion should be held. Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation?

7. Which of the following immunotherapies is approved as adjuvant treatment for patients with localized RCC?

8. Which of the following adverse events may be shared between IO therapy and VEGF therapies?

9. BK has recently initiated therapy with cabozantinib + nivolumab for advanced RCC. After 3 cycles of therapy, he reports more fatigue and lethargy than normal, dry skin, and hair thinning. Which of the following would be the most appropriate intervention at this time?

10. AD, a 63-year-old male, was initially treated with pembrolizumab + axitinib for intermediate risk, stage IV RCC. After 7 months of therapy, he presents to his oncologist and is found to have disease progression. Which of the following would be an appropriate second-line therapy for AD?

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