1. A recent ESPEN meta-analysis of patients receiving iso or hypocaloric medical nutrition therapy guided by indirect calorimetry (IC) or predictive equations revealed that IC-guided “isocaloric feeding” decreased:

2. A 25-year-old patient, David, gets admitted for a gunshot wound. On day 2 he receives a bowel resection. How much protein per day should you provide David in-hospital as he recovers from his critical illness according to the latest ASPEN guidelines?

3. At day 15, David is ready to transition home but he needs to continue his parenteral nutrition secondary to his short bowel syndrome. Assuming that there are no barriers/issues with insurance coverage, how much protein should you ensure David receives on his transition home post hospital discharge?

4. Which of the following intravenous lipid emulsions (ILEs) is preferred for patients with critical illness according to the latest ASPEN guidelines?

5. Tiffany, a 69-year-old woman has been admitted to your ICU for ventilation after severe blunt chest wall trauma. How much and how frequently should you administer 80% olive oil: 20% soybean oil ILE to Tiffany?

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