1. Which of the following immune checkpoint pathways is represented by relatlimab?

2. Please use this CASE to answer Questions 2 & 3
KB is a 39-year-old male with metastatic melanoma, stage IV disease identified at diagnosis, after presenting to the emergency department with a 3-week history of worsening cough and abdominal pain. A CT scan of chest/abdomen/pelvis demonstrated multiple small liver metastases and a 2.5 cm nodule in his left lung upper lobe. Biopsy of the nodule revealed melanoma, and mutation analysis show the tumor has a BRAF V600E mutation. His pain is now well-controlled, and he is looking to start treatment as soon as possible.
  • Past medical history (PMH): Noncontributory
  • Labs: All labs within normal limits
Given his new diagnosis of metastatic melanoma and the results of his mutation testing, there are multiple options to consider in the first-line setting. Which regimen would NOT be appropriate to recommend at this time?

3. CASE continues:
KB is started on treatment with nivolumab 480 mg/relatlimab 160 mg IV every 28 days, and after multiple cycles, he continues to tolerate therapy well. Restaging scans show his liver metastases have decreased in number and size, and his lung nodule is now 1.2 cm.

What is the rationale for combining immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapies in comparison to administering ICIs as monotherapy for the treatment of metastatic melanoma?

4. Which of the following are patient-specific factors that can be associated with better outcomes in patients with metastatic brain metastases?

5. Based on available data from the DREAMseq (EA6134) trial in metastatic melanoma patients with BRAF V600 mutations, what is the optimal sequencing of BRAF-MEK inhibitor targeted therapy and checkpoint inhibitor therapy for frontline and second-line therapies, respectively?

6. Please use this case to answer Questions 6 to 8.
AG is a 68-year-old Caucasian woman with stage IV superficial spreading melanoma. She had a primary left upper back cutaneous lesion which was 4.2 mm, ulcerated, with 2/4 left axillary lymph nodes positive for melanoma, and extranodal extension. Her full staging scans reveal 5 right lower lobe lung tumors on her CT chest/abdomen/pelvis (C/A/P), and brain MRI demonstrates two 0.4 mm lesions with no associated edema (right parietal area). A lung nodule biopsy is positive for metastatic melanoma, and she is asymptomatic from her brain metastases (T4b, N3, M1d).
  • BRAF V600E+ mutation
  • PMH: Asthma, depression, hypertension (HTN), hyperlipidemia
  • Past surgical history (PSH): Appendectomy, cholecystectomy, melanoma wide local excision and lymph node resection

AG will be initiated on ipilimumab 3 mg/kg + nivolumab 1 mg/kg IV every 3 weeks, planned for 4 cycles then to transition to nivolumab 480 mg IV every 4 weeks. She is nervous to start this therapy, as she had a close friend who received for this lung cancer and was hospitalized for immune-related adverse event (irAE) colitis.

All of the following are patient counseling points that are important to address EXCEPT:

7. After cycle 2, AG developed transaminitis with AST 3.5x ULN, ALT 4x ULN (grade 2) with mild nausea, anorexia, fatigue, and myalgias (grade 3). How would you manage her grade 2 transaminitis?

8. AG unfortunately experienced worsening of her AST and ALT, and after being escalated to prednisone 2 mg/kg, she plateaus her liver function values. What additional immunosuppressive agent would be appropriate to recommend at this time?

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