1. Complicating the underdiagnosis of atrial fibrillation is the proportion of asymptomatic cases, which is estimated to be

2. Which of the following is TRUE regarding nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF)?

3. Which of the following is an advantage of DOACs compared to vitamin K antagonists?

4. Current clinical evidence suggests which of the following regarding screening for asymptomatic NVAF?

5. When considering the use of DOACs in patients with decreased renal function, which dose adjustment is correct?

6. Which of the following is a modifiable bleeding risk factor considered as part of the HAS-BLED score?

7. Questions 7 and 8 are related to the following case: A 55-year-old male patient is currently admitted to your hospital with a chief complaint of palpitations and shortness of breath. His EKG on admission showed a rhythm of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, so his cardiologist would like to initiate a medication to reduce his stroke risk. His past medical history includes hypertension, type 2 diabetes, gout, and obesity (BMI = 37). His CrCl is 100 mg/dL

Which of the following medication options would be the best fit for this patient?

8. This patient is scheduled to be discharged from your hospital tomorrow. What transitions of care factors should be considered related to his new medication?

9. Questions 9 and 10 are related to the following case: You are meeting with a 79-year-old female patient with permanent NVAF for a comprehensive medication review. Her current medications include: apixaban 5 mg twice daily, lisinopril 20 mg once daily, atorvastatin 20 mg once daily, and metoprolol ER 100 mg once daily. Besides NVAF, her past medical history includes hypertension, aortic stenosis (mild), chronic kidney disease stage 3, and dyslipidemia. Her recent labs include a serum creatinine of 1.2 mg/dL (CrCl = 40 mL/min).

Which of the following is TRUE regarding this patient’s ongoing apixaban use for NVAF?

10. Upon reviewing the medications the patient brought with her to the appointment, you discover a new medication that was prescribed today for a fungal infection may have a drug interaction with her apixaban. Which of the following medications requires apixaban dose adjustment or avoidance?

Evaluation Questions

11. How confident are you in your treatment choices for the patients presented above?

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