1. Based in part on a similar antiproliferative mechanism of action, which of the following is the most common substitute for mycophenolate (MPA) products in transplant patients considering pregnancy?

2. Which of the following is the major pregnancy-related risk associated with the use of MPA in pregnancy?

3. MPA exposure during pregnancy also has risks for the developing fetus. Which of the following is a major fetal risk of MPA exposure during pregnancy?

4. As part of the MPA REMS program, the FDA requires which of the following?

5. When counseling a female transplant patient of reproductive age, which of the following MPA REMS materials should the prescriber give to the patient?

6. Use this case to answer question #6
HC is a 21-year-old female with end stage renal disease secondary to familial Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and Frasier Syndrome (nephrotic syndrome since 3-years-old) who is currently being treated with peritoneal dialysis. She is presenting to your hospital for her readiness evaluation one week before her living unrelated renal transplant from her friend. The immunosuppression plan is to begin enteric-coated mycophenolic acid the day before the transplant surgery, induce with rabbit antithymocyte globulin, begin a corticosteroid taper in the operating room, and to initiate tacrolimus monotherapy based on satisfactory renal function following the procedure.

As a clinician and prescriber of MPA preparations, you are aware that your institution wants you to follow the MPA REMS program. This program recommends that you should do which of the following prior to prescribing these agents?

7. According to the MPA REMS program, what test must be completed prior to your patient beginning therapy with any MPA preparation?

8. At the time of prescribing MPA prior to this patient's transplant, you meet with HC to educate her on MPA use. The REMS program recommends education on all of the following be covered with patients, with the exception of:

9. Use this case to answer question #9
AF is a 35-year-old female who received a deceased donor renal transplant at your institution 1 and a half years ago who presents today for follow-up in renal transplant clinic. The patient’s serum creatine is stable at 0.89 mg/dL. Her maintenance immunosuppression consists of extended-release tacrolimus 8 mg daily (recent trough level of 7.7 ng/mL; goal of 6-8 ng/mL) and enteric-coated mycophenolic acid 540 mg BID. The patient tells the prescriber that she and her husband have discussed starting a family and that the patient wants to get pregnant as soon as possible. AF is aware that she should not become pregnant while taking MPA. The prescriber asks for your input on advising the patient.

You suggest the following advice for the AF:

10. Use this case to answer question #10
FS is a 33-year-old female who received a deceased donor renal transplant secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus at your institution approximately 4 years ago. Her current immunosuppression consists of tacrolimus 6 mg BID (recent trough level of 6.1 ng/mL; goal of 4-6 ng/mL), MPA mofetil 750 mg BID and prednisone 5 mg QD. She presents to your transplant clinic for routine follow up and informs you that she has become pregnant and that her and her partner are thrilled. Her OB-GYN believes she is approximately 5 months pregnant.

The MPA REMS recommends that you do which of the following for FS?

Evaluation Questions

11. How confident are in your treatment choices for HC in the posttest?

12. How confident are in your treatment choice for AF in the posttest?

13. How confident are in your treatment choice for FS in the posttest?

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