1. Why does the US Food and Drug Administration require a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program for mycophenolic acid (MPA) prescription?

2. Patient education is an important component of the Mycophenolate REMS program. Which of the following types of counseling should be given to female patients of reproductive potential who may be started on MPA therapy?

3. Upon learning that a female patient who is taking MPA becomes pregnant, the pregnancy should be reported to the Mycophenolate Pregnancy Registry. Who can report the pregnancy?

4. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) differentiate between uncomplicated and complicated (i.e., acute or chronic graft failure, rejection, or cardiac allograft vasculopathy) cases of solid organ transplant. Which of the following contraception methods would be considered an unacceptable health risk in a patient with a complicated case of solid organ transplant per the CDC?

5. The Mycophenolate REMS program focuses on multiple stakeholders: prescribers, patients, and other healthcare professionals. Which of the following best describes participation in the Mycophenolate REMS program?

6. Under which of the following circumstances would your recommend that a provider report a pregnancy to the Mycophenolate Pregnancy Registry?

7. AB is a 25-year-old woman with dilated cardiomyopathy who is undergoing evaluation for a heart transplant. The transplant physician reviews the immunosuppressive drug regimen of tacrolimus, MPA, and prednisone that she will be prescribed post-transplant. When should the physician first discuss the risks of MPA?

8. AB indicates that she is single and has been dating. She would like to get pregnant and have children in the future. Which option when used alone is the most effective method of contraception and best choice for AB?

9. A pharmacy student is interning at a local pharmacy where AB picks up her prescriptions. The pharmacy intern notices MPA on AB's medication profile and recalls that there is a REMS program associated with this medication. What Mycophenolate REMS literature should the intern give to the patient?

10. AB is 3 years post-transplant. She has been taking her immunosuppressive regimen, which includes MPA, as ordered by her transplant physician. She missed her period and recently took a pregnancy test that confirmed she is pregnant. Which is a method to report a pregnancy to the Mycophenolate Pregnancy Registry?

Evaluation Questions

11. How confident are you in your treatment choices for the patient in the posttest?

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