1. Which of the following responses is most accurate regarding the differences between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD)?

2. The following certificate of analysis was provided for CBD capsules. Which of the following aspects is least important to evaluate regarding the safety of this product? Click here for the Chart

3. A patient with Lennox-Gastuax Syndrome (LGS) was recently prescribed Epidiolex for her seizures. The patient and her caregiver both reside in Colorado and are wondering if they can obtain a CBD product from a dispensary in place of Epidiolex. As the clinical pharmacist, you would reply with the which of the following responses?

4. There is sufficient evidence to recommend CBD in many neurologic conditions, including which of the following disease states?

5. A 29-year-old woman presents to the pharmacy in a retail, grocery-chain setting in Colorado. She is holding a bottle of full-spectrum CBD oil containing 240 mg of CBD in 5 mL, a bottle of 30 CBD capsules containing 15 mg of CBD per capsule, and a CBD cream containing 25 mg of CBD, menthol, and peppermint in 2 oz. She is asking you for your opinion on what CBD product she should purchase to improve her sleep. Which of the following best describes the status of the CBD products and the appropriate course of action?

Evaluation Questions

6. How confident are you in your recommendation for the 29-year-old women in the above questions?

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