1. How many Americans have atopic dermatitis?

2. Which of the following describes atopic dermatitis?

3. Jacie is a 22-year-old female with poorly controlled AD, a problem she has experienced since infancy. She has a flare on her hands that is so itchy, it's keeping her awake all night. She is moisturizing multiple times daily and using fluticasone propionate ointment 0.005% twice daily. What would be the BEST change to her regimen?

4. Which of the following lists topical medications in the order they would be tried in a 9-year-old patient who has AD?

5. Jacie steps up her TCS and uses wet wrap therapy to help address her itchy flare. Her skin is not responding, and she says that she has not been able to tolerate the TCNIs in the past. Her SCORAD index is 53. What is the BEST next step?

6. Which of the following patients may need systemic treatment with an immunomodulatory drug or biologic?

7. Gary is experiencing a significant flare. He is responding to his TCS, but not as quickly or as well as usual. Which step may occlude his TCA, increase penetration, and reduce excoriation?

8. Leo is a 9-year-old boy who has AD. His caregivers have been able to control his AD with fluocinolone acetonide ointment 0.025% until recently. He complains about the feel of the ointment, and applying it has been a struggle. The pharmacist counsels Leo and his family about TCAs, and encourages them to continue using the current medication. Select the answer that provides the BEST evaluation of this strategy.

9. Charlotte is a 17-year-old adolescent who continues to experience severe symptoms of AD following optimization of topical therapy. She did not respond to a 12-week trial of methotrexate. She has sunlight-response AD, responds somewhat to phototherapy and plans to continue; and is allergic to most sunscreen products. Which of the following immunomodulatory agents is most appropriate for her?

10. Jack, a middle-aged man, is considering dupilumab for his severe AD, but he is very fearful that he will not be able to self-inject. Which of the following questions is appropriate to address his misconception that dupilumab injections are painful and difficult?

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