1. AJ's diagnosis is best classified as: CASE STUDY 1-11

2. Which feature or symptom of narcolepsy is present in AJ?

3. Which of the following is the most likely etiology of AJ's condition?

4. Which medication would be most appropriate to initiate for AJ at this time?

5. What counseling point is important to provide AJ regarding her new narcolepsy medication?

6. During follow-up visits, which test is the most appropriate for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment in a patient like AJ?

7. CASE update:
AJ is treated for her narcolepsy for 2 years with her initial therapy: she takes the maximum recommended dose twice daily. At a routine follow-up, she has a mean sleep onset of 8 minutes and an ESS score of 15. She does not report any new symptoms or features of narcolepsy, but she states that she feels the duration of the medication's effects has waned over the past several months.

Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment strategy for AJ at this time, according to her medication assessment and follow-up symptom severity scores?

8. If AJ's treatment team wants to prescribe a non-controlled substance, which of the following could be used to treat her narcolepsy?

9. CASE update:
At age 25, approximately 6 years after her initial narcolepsy diagnosis, AJ presents with new symptoms. AJ and her family report repeated, sudden, and transient episodes of bilateral facial droop over the past 4 months that were not associated with episodes of EDS. AJ has recently completed graduate school and started a new job. Her current ESS score is 7 and she states that she feels her EDS is controlled on her current therapy. She is most concerned about the impact these new episodes are having on her daily life, her ability to perform at work, and her overall health.

Which of the following best describes what AJ is experiencing?

10. On the basis of her current clinical presentation, what addition to AJ's narcolepsy therapy is appropriate at this time?

Evaluation Questions

11. How confident are in your treatment choices for AJ in above questions:

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