1. In BE's history of present illness, which of the following clinical signs/symptoms are consistent with a diagnosis of binge-eating disorder?

2. If you were to review the clinical history of BE, which of the following would most accurately describe her as a result of her binge-eating disorder?

3. Part of the diagnostic assessment for binge-eating disorder should include an evaluation for which common co-occurring disorder?

4. Eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder have been associated with dysfunction of which of the following neurotransmitters?

5. Which medical complication of binge-eating disorder is BE at highest risk for developing?

6. BE asks the following question, “What non-medication treatment works the best for binge-eating disorder?” Which of the following answers is the correct response?

7. If BE were to insist upon using a medication treatment that is specifically FDA approved for binge-eating disorder, which one of the medications below would meet that criteria?

8. If BE is prescribed sertraline as indicated in the plan of therapy, which side effects is she most likely to experience?

9. If BE were instead prescribed lisdexamfetamine, counseling should include which of the following points?

10. BE is willing to try a pharmacologic treatment approach for her moderate binge-eating disorder however, she is not willing to accept the use of a controlled substance due to the risk of dependence, she doesn't want to feel “slowed down”, and she is fearful of using sertraline because she has heard it causes tremors and more diarrhea and stomach upset. Which medication would be the best treatment option for her?

11. If BE were to be placed on one of the following medications for binge-eating disorder, which one would require you to provide education related to the risk of developing nephrolithiasis?

12. Which statement is TRUE regarding the use of antidepressant medication in the treatment of binge-eating disorder?

13. In a patient who presents with binge-eating disorder and is treated with fluoxetine, most clinical trials examining the acute effects of medication are how long in duration?

14. Orlistat in combination with a calorie-restricted diet has demonstrated benefit in treating binge-eating disorder, however its use is most likely to be limited by which of the following?

15. Which medication in limited studies has been associated with reducing binge-eating and weight loss in treating binge-eating disorder, but its use has been limited primarily because of intolerability, notably psychological effects and cognitive impairment?

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