1. Which of the following agents may be administered every other day by subcutaneous injection?

2. Which agent is administered either daily OR 3 times per week subcutaneously?

3. First-generation disease-modifying therapies for patients with MS reduce relapse rates by approximately:

4. Which agent is approved for “relapsing forms of MS” (ie, relapsing-remitting MS, patients with progressive disease who continue to have relapses)?

5. Rapid removal of natalizumab has been associated with which of the following?

6. How long should a patient who plans to become pregnant remain on contraception after discontinuing fingolimod?

7. Ann is a 29-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS. She is not comfortable with medication self-injection, and she wishes to begin treatment with an oral agent as her first line of MS therapy. After discussing various options, she and her physician decide to begin treatment with teriflunomide. Which of the following is the greatest potential concern for this patient?

8. Modafinil, which is often used to help reduce fatigue in patients with MS, has a clinically significant interaction with which of the following?

9. Karen is a 26-year-old woman with relapse-remitting MS who has been treated with oral teriflunomide for 1 year. Karen becomes pregnant while on teriflunomide therapy, which is confirmed by a pregnancy test at approximately 4 weeks of gestation. Which of the following is recommended for this patient?

10. For a patient who undergoes rapid teriflunomide elimination, a repeat rapid elimination procedure is recommended when plasma testing at the end of the procedure reveals a plasma teriflunomide concentration greater than:

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