1. Female sexual desire is most likely to be negatively affected by which one of the following:

2. Which one of the following is least likely to be affected by an antidepressant drug:

3. When sexual complaints are accompanied by personal distress, the overall prevalence of any sexual disorder in women is:

4. Although most clinical literature about female sexual dysfunction focuses on HSDD, why did the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5) combine sexual interest and arousal disorder together into one diagnostic category?

5. Which one of the following best describes why sildenafil is not considered a potential treatment for female sexual dysfunction:

6. Which of the following is correct regarding flibanserin for female sexual dysfunction:

7. The primary reason that testosterone preparations have not been approved for female sexual dysfunction is because

8. When a patient should be switched from paroxetine to a different antidepressant because of drug-induced sexual dysfunction, which one of the following would be best if the patient also has difficulty with fatigue and decreased energy:

9. Which one of the following is an effective management option for sertraline-induced sexual dysfunction in women:

10. A woman, 42 years of age, comes to your pharmacy with a new prescription for fluoxetine. Which one of the following would not be recommended in her counseling for fluoxetine:

Evaluation Questions

11. To what extent did the program meet objective #1?

12. To what extent did the program meet objective #2?

13. To what extent did the program meet objective #3?

14. To what extent did the program meet objective #4?

15. Rate the effectiveness of how well the program related to your educational needs:

16. Rate how well the active learning strategies (questions, cases, discussions) were appropriate and effective learning tools:

17. Rate the quality of the faculty:

18. Rate the effectiveness and the overall usefulness of the material presented:

19. Rate the appropriateness of the examination for this activity:

20. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity related to your practice needs:

21. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity will help you improve patient care:

22. Will the information presented cause you to change your practice?

23. Are you committed to making these changes?

24. As a result of this activity, did you learn something new?

25. What is your practice setting or area of practice?

26. How many years have you been in practice?

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