1. Which one of the following drugs is not U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for the treatment of acute bipolar depression:

2. Bipolar type II disorder differs from bipolar type I disorder because

3. Anhedonia is defined as which of the following:

4. The most important difference between bipolar depression and unipolar depression is which of the following:

5. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of how drug treatment for an episode of acute bipolar depression has changed over the past 10 years:

6. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding use of mood stabilizers for the treatment of bipolar depression:

7. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE regarding use of antidepressants to treat bipolar depression:

8. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding the risks of using antidepressants for the treatment of bipolar depression:

9. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding the use of antipsychotic medications for the treatment of bipolar depression:

10. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding use of olanzapine-fluoxetine combination (OFC) therapy for the treatment of bipolar depression:

11. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding use of quetiapine for the treatment of bipolar depression:

12. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding use of lurasidone for the treatment of bipolar depression:

13. Which one of the following is associated with the greatest risk of weight gain and metabolic effects:

14. Which one of the following has a recommended starting dose of 20 mg/day for a younger healthy patient:

15. An enriched study design to investigate the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder means that

16. Which one of the following is associated with the greatest risk of hyperprolactinemia and extrapyramidal effects:

17. Which one of the following drug classes has the strongest evidence to support its discontinuation once maintenance therapy is initiated:

18. Approximately what percentage of bipolar patients is fully adherent with their medication?

19. Among bipolar patients nonadherent with their medication, what percentage is the result of side effects?

20. Important information pharmacists should mention while counseling their patients with bipolar illness include all but which one of the following:

Evaluation Questions

21. To what extent did the program meet objective #1?

22. To what extent did the program meet objective #2?

23. To what extent did the program meet objective #3?

24. To what extent did the program meet objective #4?

25. Rate the effectiveness of how well the program related to your educational needs:

26. Rate how well the active learning strategies (questions, cases, discussions) were appropriate and effective learning tools:

27. Rate the quality of the faculty:

28. Rate the effectiveness and the overall usefulness of the material presented:

29. Rate the appropriateness of the examination for this activity:

30. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity related to your practice needs:

31. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity will help you improve patient care:

32. Will the information presented cause you to change your practice?

33. Are you committed to making these changes?

34. As a result of this activity, did you learn something new?

35. What is your practice setting or area of practice?

36. How many years have you been in practice?

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