1. All of the following are potential consequences of untreated HCV infection, EXCEPT:

2. Which of the following investigational agents is a nucleotide analog that acts by inhibiting HCV viral RNA polymerase?

3. All of the following statements regarding protease inhibitor therapy are true, EXCEPT:

4. BD is a 62-year-old male recently diagnosed with HCV. He is currently receiving triple-drug therapy consisting of pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN), ribavirin, and telaprevir. He has no history of any prior treatment for HCV. Four weeks after therapy initiation, BD's serum is negative for HCV RNA. At week 12, his HCV RNA levels remain undetectable. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate next step in therapy for BD?

5. In order to address shortcomings in current HCV treatments, all of the following emerging treatment regimens are currently being investigated, EXCEPT:

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