1. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms include which of the following:

2. Choose the TRUE statement from the following:

3. Which of the following MS subtypes is most prevalent:

4. Which of the following is a treatment goal for MS:

5. Which of the following are important counseling points to provide to a patient newly initiated on interferon treatment:

6. Which of the following is an appropriate baseline monitoring parameter that should be done prior to initiating interferon beta-1a:

7. Which of the following is TRUE regarding natalizumab therapy:

8. Which of the following are important counseling points for fingolimod:

9. Which of the following describes the role of the pharmacist in the management of patents with MS:

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding MS:

11. Which of the following statements regarding mitoxantrone and natalizumab is TRUE:

12. Which of the following statements regarding fingolimod is TRUE:

13. Which of the following statements regarding dalfampridine is TRUE:

14. Which of the following therapies are currently being evaluated for the treatment of MS:

15. MS is diagnosed according to which of the following:

16. Which of the following is TRUE regarding glatiramer acetate:

17. Which of the following is TRUE regarding teriflunomide:

18. Which of the following are chimeric antibodies currently being evaluated for MS treatment:

19. Which of following has a positive impact upon caregiver burden for the MS patient:

20. Which of the following individuals has the highest risk for developing MS:

Evaluation Questions

21. To what extent did the program meet objective #1?

22. To what extent did the program meet objective #2?

23. To what extent did the program meet objective #3?

24. To what extent did the program meet objective #4?

25. To what extent did the program meet objective #5?

26. Rate the effectiveness of how well the program related to your educational needs:

27. Rate how well the active learning strategies (questions, cases, discussions) were appropriate and effective learning tools:

28. Rate the quality of the faculty:

29. Rate the effectiveness and the overall usefulness of the material presented:

30. Rate the appropriateness of the examination for this activity:

31. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity related to your practice needs:

32. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity will help you improve patient care:

33. Will the information presented cause you to change your practice?

34. Are you committed to making these changes?

35. As a result of this activity, did you learn something new?

36. What is your practice setting or area of practice?

37. How many years have you been in practice?

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