1. Which of the following LAI antipsychotics currently (as of July 2012) has an indication for the treatment of bipolar I disorder?

2. Which of the following options best represents the strategies used in creating LAI formulations?

3. Which of the following describes an identified potential role for the pharmacist in fostering the acceptance of LAI antipsychotics?

4. Which of the following antipsychotics is NOT available as a long-acting injectable form within the US?

5. Which of the following statements best represents the current state of evidence regarding LAI antipsychotics versus oral formulations on symptom relapse and hospitalization?

6. Which of the following best represents a barrier to the proper use of LAIs?

7. Which of the following best describes how motivational interviewing (MI) presents information to patients?

8. In the first strategy used in motivational interviewing, practitioners will ideally present themselves as:

9. Which of the following represents the best response to a patient who is displaying “change talk”?

10. Which of the following is NOT a common limitation to using long-acting injectable antipsychotics?

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